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Protested  YEMAC's  employees in Monday morning (1 dec 2014) in Sanaa capital to demand their rights.
Protesters accused the National Committee to deal with the mine represented by the Minister Qasim Alaagam obstructing their work and  stop their entitlements from April until now.

 protesters also  accused the United Nations Office in Yemen, by stalling them, becuse they have not launching their entitlements for more than four months.

In turn, the director of National Center for dealing with mine who was  with the protesters accused the United Nations Office in Yemen to derail his efforts and    his employees efforts in the field of mine clearance through stopping employees entitlements that Submitted by donors, without any  justifications .

 the YEMAC's director and his staff denounced  these practices,  stressing that if the demands  of employees  are ignored , the workers will go towards the United Nations Office and the  Council of Ministers to protest about these practices.

Posted in: | Tuesday 2 December 2014
نظم موظفي البرنامج الوطني لنزع الالغام صباح اليوم الاثنين وقفة احتجاجية أمام مقر اللجنة الوطنية لنزع الألغام ، بأمانة العاصمة للمطالبة بحقوقهم.
المحتجون اتهموا  اللجنة الوطنية للتعامل مع الألغام ممثلة بالوزير قاسم الأعجم بعرقلة أعمالهم وذلك عن طريق ايقاف الحوافز من شهر أبريل حتى الآن .
كذلك اتهم المحتجين مكتب  الأمم المتحدة في اليمن بالمماطلة وعدم اطلاق مستحقاتهم  منذ اكثر من اربعة اشهر, مؤكدين انهم في المرحلة الثانية من احتجاجاتهم ستكون أمام مبنى الأمم المتحدة .
بدوره اتهم مدير المركز الوطني للتعامل مع الألغام والذي كان حاضراً مع المحتجين مكتب  الأمم المتحدة في اليمن بعرقلة الجهود الذي يبذلها هو وموظفيه وعامليه في مجال ازالة الألغام عن طريق قيام مكتب الأمم المتحدة في اليمن بتوقيف المستحقات المخصصة لأفراد البرنامج من قبل الدول المانحة دون أي مبررات , واستغرب مدير المركز وموظفيه هذه الممارسات مؤكدين انه في حال تم تجاهل مطالب الموظفين في البرنامج فأن العاملين سيتجهون صوب مكتب الأمم المتحدة ورئاسة الوزراء للتنديد بهذه الممارسات .

Protested  YEMAC's  employees in Monday morning (1 dec 2014) in Sanaa capital to demand their rights.
Protesters accused the National Committee to deal with the mine represented by the Minister Qasim Alaagam obstructing their work and And stop their entitlements from April until now.
 protesters also  accused the United Nations Office in Yemen, by stalling them, becuse they have not launching their entitlements for more than four months.
In turn, the director of National Center for dealing with mine who was  with the protesters accused the United Nations Office in Yemen to derail his efforts and    his employees efforts in the field of mine clearance through stopping employees entitlements that Submitted by donors, without any  justifications .

 the YEMAC's director and his staff denounced  these practices,  stressing that if the demands  of employees  are ignored , the workers will go towards the United Nations Office and the The Council of Ministers to protest about these practices.
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A quarterly report on the national demining program's activities in the field of victim assistance during the  year of 2013.

the following report shows the quarterly achievement in the field of victim assistance during the  year of 2013;

you can see the report from the following link; 

Posted in: | Friday 28 November 2014
The number of beneficiaries from  the programs and activities of  awareness carried out by the national demining program during the 2013, arrived to (544 853) of people,who live in   the affected areas , according to the type.

the following Report shows the quarterly achievement to  Number of beneficiaries  
from MRE  in 2013;

 you can see the Report from the following link;

the following report shows the quarterly Quality Assurance achievement by (Number and Size) of MF in 2013 , according to Provinces;

 you can see the Report from the following link;

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 the following report shows the  quarterly Marked Area achievement  by ( size and number) in 2013 , according to levels of impact;

 you can see the Report from the following link;

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 the following report shows the  quarterly Technical Survey achievement from  the hazardous Areas by ( size and number) in 2013 , according to levels of impact;

   you can see the report from the following link;